Revolutionary Body Contouring in Marylebone

Plastic surgery was once the only option available if you desired a smoother silhouette or wanted rid of excess skin. With recent advancements in technology, we at Bodyworks LDN are able to offer you a body sculpting alternative that is safer, cheaper and non-invasive. Our body contouring in Marylebone can transform your body and make your confidence soar. With over 20 years of experience, you are in safe hands with us, from quotation to completion. If you’re looking for body contouring in Marylebone, we have the answer. Get in touch with us today to find out more!

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    What is body contouring?

    Body contouring in Marylebone refers to any procedure that makes changes to your shape. Body contouring in Marylebone focuses on fat reduction, contouring, cellulite reduction and skin tightening to the stomach, arms, legs and back. Without the risk and cost of surgery, you can sculpt your body and erase cellulite with our body contouring in Marylebone.​ Our therapists can change the shape of your body using a wide range of advanced and proven techniques including:

    Body Cavitation

    Body Cavitation is a body contouring in Marylebone procedure aimed at reducing cellulite. It does this by using ultrasound technology to break down fat cells and allow them to be naturally removed by the body’s lymphatic system.


    Successful in reducing the appearance of fine lines and loose skin, our radio-frequency skin tightening procedure is a great solution. It is an aesthetic method that uses radio-frequency energy to stimulate collagen and elastin production.

    BBL Augmentation

    Our BBL Augmentation is a seamless body contouring in Marylebone service to transform your body. It works to enhance the appearance of your bum by melting the fat cells to contour and tighten your bum and shape your silhouette.

    Our body contouring in Marylebone is suitable for anyone who wishes to enjoy a safer, affordable and non-invasive way to sculpt the body they desire. You will see results after one session; however, we recommend a course of five for longer-lasting results.

    What are the benefits of body contouring in Marylebone?

    From fat reduction and increased confidence to a smoother silhouette and reduced cellulite, our body contouring in Marylebone comes with many benefits. It comes as no surprise that many are choosing body contouring in Marylebone to enhance their appearance. If you still need convincing, here are some of the other benefits that body contouring in Marylebone can offer you:

    A quick & easy way to lose weight

    Body contouring in Marylebone effectively removes fat cells from ‘problem’ areas such as the stomach or thighs where unwanted skin may remain after weight loss.

    Non-invasive treatment

    Without the need for invasive surgery procedures, body contouring in Marylebone treatments can make changes to your silhouette without going under the knife.

    Improved confidence

    Our body contouring in Marylebone treatments have changed the lives of people who have been unhappy with the way their body looks. There’s nothing we love more than seeing our clients’ confidence soar when they see the results.


    Our body contouring in Marylebone treatments are some of the most affordable body contouring options available, meaning that you can enhance your appearance at a fraction of the cost of surgery.

    Long-lasting results

    With our body contouring in Marylebone, you are guaranteed lasting results that will change the way your body looks forever!

    Safe & advanced techniques

    Body contouring in Marylebone doesn’t involve any cutting or stitching of tissue, therefore there’s no risk of scarring or damage to your appearance.

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    Is body contouring safe?

    While there is always some risk associated with body contouring in Marylebone, these techniques have been perfected for more than 30 years. This means that our therapists are fully trained and experienced in carrying out the procedures. Some mild side effects may include redness, swelling, bruising, pain and in rare cases nausea and vomiting.

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    Results of Body Contouring in Marylebone

    In the safe and experienced hands of our therapists, you will receive professional treatments that aim to leave you feeling like a whole new person. After your body contouring in Marylebone you will see fantastic results. These include improvements to the shape of your hips and waistline, as well as in the tone of your upper arms, thighs, abdomen, and underarms and reductions in cellulite.

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    Why choose us?

    quality (1)

    20+ Years of Experience

    With over 20 years of experience, we provide specialist, safe, practical and affordable body contouring in Marylebone to bring out your confidence.


    Outstanding Results

    We work with you to create outstanding results and instant transformations to find your perfect shape every time that you come to us, whichever service you choose.


    Range of Treatments

    From body contouring in Marylebone and Lymphatic Drainage to Fat-Dissolving Injections, Facial Fillers and more. We offer a fully comprehensive range of treatments.

    If you’re looking for Body Contouring in Marylebone, we have the answer for you. We provide a wide range of professional treatments and cosmetic procedures such as Lymphatic Drainage Massage, Fat-Dissolving Injections, Lip and Facial Fillers and BBL Augmentation. Please contact us to find out more!